Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Timesa flyin'

October went by SO fast, and now it will be Thanksgiving before we know it! Mmm..Thanksgiving. Anyways, trying to reflect on what everyone did during October. I'm glad I didnt update every week about every tiny thing that happened, I was looking for a way out of that and I guess being busy helped!

Well, Jake and I took a quick trip the amazing beautiful state of MONTANA!
I can not even begin to describe how CLEAN the air smells, how friendly the people are and how just perfect the weather is. I mean, it was cold..but it wasn't freezing. I think there is way less humidity.. pretty sure. We took this trip around the end of October, so still before real winter hit.

We only stayed a weekend in Billings, MT. It was perfect.
(yes, those are non photoshopped real time pictures taken from Jakes iphone! looks like a postcard!)

October... oh, Fall parties, festivals and trunk n treat! We had a Halloween playdate with our amazing playgroup. Lots of cute kiddos running around in their costumes. Trevis had a Pumpkin party at school and Mavrick was invited. They dressed up for it too. We don't really celebrate Halloween or do Trick or Treating, but every year we do attend church festivals and Trunk n Treat.

Here is MY Ninja, Venom (the bad spiderman) and our friends cute little girl, Bella. They all had a great time and stocked up on lots of candy and goodies!

The weather has been pretty enjoyable lately.. not too hot and not too cold. We'll see how long that lasts. (the boys seesawing on the see saw daddy built them!)

Here, the boys remind me of their daddy. They made a stationary bike. They found a small hole in the ground where they could properly set up the training wheel tires so it would hold up the back tire. These boys are so smart. Really.

And, incase you're thinking I forgot the "tiny" one (I say "tiny" because he is not all but he smaller than the other two).

YES! He is CRAWLING! Caught in the act! Ughh, can't believe it! Ha, I'm so happy though, he's such a big boy and meeting all his milestones! So, now he can crawl, roll over, babble and ..lucky me, he can pull up. He's started practicing it in his crib.. Joy! =)

Well, another year has passed for me and I am now 26. Boo for getting older! Just kidding, it's not that bad. I'm loving the things that are happening and this adult life I'm growing into. To celebrate the big ol' 26.. I had some friends over Friday night and talked and watched movies. More talking than watching though! Saturday we spent the day at the boys last soccer game and end of the season party. They've really enjoyed it again. Sunday, just spent the day with the family and got a much needed hair cut!

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